kidshome.gif  about noprisoners worldwide ministry what we believe at noprisoners worldwide ministry real keys to reading and understanding the bible you can be born again now! don't put it off another minute!  receiving the holy spirit please leave your prayer request, so that we can stand together with you in god if you find this site helpful, please sign our guestbook KJV Bible power Commentary


 Does God Exist?   Is God Boring   Is Suicide an Answer?   Dealing with low Self Esteem    Dealing with Depression   Your Future?   How to have a Successful Marriage   Prosperity 

How to have good success  Restoration   Relationships Understanding sin Are God's Promises Real?  Understanding the Anointing of God  Understanding  the Soul   Understanding Righteousness

Changing your Image  Stewardship    Renewing your mind   Seedtime and Harvest   The Dangers of Backsliding    How to find God's will for your Life  Do Miracles Happen?


Committed to Setting the Captives Free, in the Fear of the Lord! (Luke 4:18, Is 49:8,9, Is 11:2)

NoPrisoners Worldwide Ministry  is an outreach ministry and caters, both nationally and internationally,  Our goal is to make available to all, everything needed for growth, spirit, soul and body 


Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers .III John 1:2


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Bible Power

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Complete version of Matthew and Ephesians, with Selections from the Gospels of Mark,Luke,John and Acts


Word Alive

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Word Alive App

Brings the Bible Alive in a powerful way, with application that impacts every aspect of daily lives.

The God Question

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Does God exist?

Are you searching for an answer, are you here for a  reason, but don't know the reason, what is your true destiny, what is your future? 

This app brings Questions and answers for life, from questioning if God even exists, to how to deal with depression, anxiety, marital relationships.


Bible Power Plus

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Complete KJV version of Matthew, Romans and Ephesians with selections from Mark, Luke, John and Acts with verse commentary. and a section on How to read the Bible.

Illustrates the Bible in a powerful way using clear concise commentary notes.

Bible Seed

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Christian commentary on Bible themes, topics range from, Do Miracles Happen? Understanding the Soul, How to read the Bible, to How to lead a successful and Prosperous life and many more.

Bible Power Prayer Free

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Learn How to Pray

Sections on Praying the Bible Word, Using the Lord's Prayer as a model for prayer.

Receiving the Holy Spirit Baptism and much more.

Bible Power Prayer Plus

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This is the full version of Bible power prayer plus without ads and includes advanced sections on praying Tabernacle Prayer warfare prayer and Temple prayer 

Bring answers to prayer, out of the spirit realm, into this earthly realm. 

Full of practical guides and prayers to bring you into the presence of God, by the Holy Spirit, standing in Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing..



Ebooks and Paperbacks

How can there be a God, if there is worldwide suffering? Ebook

How can there be a God, if there is worldwide suffering? Paper back

God so loved that He gave Ebook

God so loved that He gave Paper Back

The Mysteries of God Ebook

Is God a Mystery? Paperback

Bible Power commentary: KJV Bible verse by verse commentary

KJV Bible OT & NT verse by verse commentary brings clarity, explanation, revelation, insight and understanding to the Word of God.

This is an ongoing project and will be added to, Initially the entire New Testament has been completed and Genesis 1.

The Master Plan

The world we live in today is becoming more chaotic, Governments around the world are becoming increasingly more draconian, with restriction of civil liberty and freedom of speech and expression, becoming the norm.


Many think that we are living in the time of the ending of the world as predicted by many religions, others are searching for answers.


Are we really living in a world of random chaos, or are we living in a Plan?


In this book, we take a journey of discovery to detail the greatest plan for mankind that many in the world have never known, this Plan has remained secret since before time began, but many generations ago this plan was revealed, yet many are unaware of it's existence.


We are now living in the time of this great plan, the most amazing time the world has ever known.

The Way Out

Many people talk about the 1960's as being an age of enlightenment, but it turned out to be an age of experimentation with the use or mis-use of psychedelic drugs such as LSD.


During this time many were expirimenting with these drugs thinking that they were a way to reach enlightenment.In general, this time was undoubtedly, a time of searching for truth and many people came up with various books on the 'Age of Aquarius' the so called age of enlightenment..


There were pop songs written about it and many books and films such as 2001 a space odyssey, which was billed at the time as 'The Ultimate trip', yet some people thought that it was more like the 'The Ultimae tripe'.As the decade came to a close and a new one began, the '60's' turned out for most people to be a damp squid or a big nothing, no enlightenment, just a whole group of young people, having a great time, stoned out and looking for free sex.


This ebook takes the theme of the Matrix trilogy and asks the question, was this theme in any way prophetic of the world we live in today?

What is Truth

One day a man in history asked a very important question. What is Truth? In our present age where speaking the truth in world Governments has become almost non existant, we are witnessing the emergence of a new artform, that of telling lies packaged and presented as promises. So why do Governments and Politicians Believe That 'manipulating the truth is beneficial?


This artform has grown to become, deception, misdirection, fact-bending, half-truths, and downright lies, Is it because the challenge to win the hearts and minds of voters, is so compelling that they believe that the only way they can win is to not tell the Truth?


So, is it that Politicians lie when they believe that dishonesty is the best policy for getting elected. Or is there a deeper meaning, is it that Government leaders and Politicians don’t know what truth is?


In this ebook, we look at the source of Truth and lies to find out where they came from

Two Trees Part 1

The law of seedtime and harvest is a part of the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death.

People make plans, but the plans they make are made in a temporary world, a world that is tied to time. But time is rapidly running out.

In our daily lives, everything we do is connected to time, we get up  by the clock and we go to bed by the clock, we keep appointments and we live by dates on a calendar.

But God does not exist in time, He is outside of time, in eternity, with His voice, the word of God, who came to earth and became Jesus Christ, the son of God and His Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God.

Before God formed the earth and the universe, before time began, God established His plan of salvation in the Spirit and His plan is eternal and will last forever..

Two trees part 2

Part 2 of a 5 Part series on a vital subject.


The law of seedtime and harvest is a part of the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death.


People make plans, but the plans they make are made in a temporary world, a world that is tied to time. But time is rapidly running out.


In our daily lives, everything we do is connected to time, we get up  by the clock and we go to bed by the clock, we keep appointments and we live by dates on a calendar.


But God does not exist in time, He is outside of time, in eternity, with His voice, the word of God, who came to earth and became Jesus Christ, the son of God and His Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God.


Before God formed the earth and the universe, before time began, God established His plan of salvation in the Spirit and His plan is eternal and will last forever.

Two trees part 3

Part 3 of a 5 Part series

In times past a persons word was very important, because their word was their bond. This phrase and the term ‘I give you my word, came from a verse in Numbers. Words are so important that God has said that we will be accountable for every careless word spoken.  "for it is your words that will acquit you, and your words that will condemn you"  

Words that we speak show the condition of the heart and where the words are coming from, "A good man gives out good, from the goodness stored in his heart; a bad man gives out evil, from his store of evil."

In this book the law of seedtime and harvest that we are living in is revealed, a law which h determines the outcome of our life and our destiny, whether we believe in God or not.


Two trees part 4

Part 4 of a 5 Part series The law of seedtime and harvest is a part of the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death.


People make plans, but the plans they make are made in a temporary world, a world that is tied to time. But time is rapidly running out.In our daily lives, everything we do is connected to time, we get up by the clock and we go to bed by the clock, we keep appointments and we live by dates on a calendar.


But God does not exist in time, He is outside of time, in eternity, with His voice, the word of God, who came to earth and became Jesus Christ, the son of God and His Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God.


Before God formed the earth and the universe, before time began, God established His plan of salvation in the Spirit and His plan is eternal and will last forever..

Two trees part 5

Part 5 of a 5 Part series The law of seedtime and harvest is a part of the Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus and the law of sin and death.


People make plans, but the plans they make are made in a temporary world, a world that is tied to time. But time is rapidly running out.In our daily lives, everything we do is connected to time, we get up by the clock and we go to bed by the clock, we keep appointments and we live by dates on a calendar.


But God does not exist in time, He is outside of time, in eternity, with His voice, the word of God, who came to earth and became Jesus Christ, the son of God and His Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God.


Before God formed the earth and the universe, before time began, God established His plan of salvation in the Spirit and His plan is eternal and will last forever..


Amazing Grace - Part 1

Part 1 of a 4 part series


The gospel message is the good news of God’s Grace upon us. Many people who are unaware of God in their lives, or those who choose to believe that God is not there or is not relevant to them, hear the word Grace and apply it to being graceful, like a ballet dancer or to someone who walks in a graceful way.


Others who believe that they are Christian, attribute Grace to the time we are living in now, they say we are not under the law of Moses as mankind once was, but we are now living in a time of God's Grace, where God allows everything and forgives everything.


Yet others say that Grace is “God’s favor toward the unworthy” or “God’s benevolence on the undeserving.But Grace is not an idea, a concept or a time we are living in, Grace is a Person who is alive and alive for evermore having come down from heaven and being born through a woman.


Who died on a tree and was raised from the dead by God and who is now alive for all eternity. This book is Part 1 of a four part series which examines who Grace is and the incredible promises from God that come through Him, to us.  

Amazing Grace - Part 2

Part 2 of a 4 part series


The gospel message is the good news of God’s Grace upon us.Many people who are unaware of God in their lives, or those who choose to believe that God is not there or is not relevant to them, hear the word Grace and apply it to being graceful, like a ballet dancer or to someone who walks in a graceful way.


Others who believe that they are Christian, attribute Grace to the time we are living in now, they say we are not under the law of Moses as mankind once was, but we are now living in a time of God's Grace, where God allows everything and forgives everything.


Yet others say that Grace is “God’s favor toward the unworthy” or “God’s benevolence on the undeserving.But Grace is not an idea, a concept or a time we are living in, Grace is a Person who is alive and alive for evermore having come down from heaven and being born through a woman.


Who died on a tree and was raised from the dead by God and who is now alive for all eternity.This book is Part 1 of a four part series which examines who Grace is and the incredible promises from God that come through Him, to us.

Amazing Grace - Part 3

Partt 3 of a 4 part series



Amazing Grace - Part 4

Part 4 of a 4 part series





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'And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom

but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power': 1 Corinthians 2:4




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